Hello, fruit-loving friends!

We’re the Clevenstine family (Dave, Ellie, and kids) and we make our home in Panton, VT.  As imports from Iowa in 2016 we have grown to love small-town Vermont and all it has to offer — the beauty of the land and the changing seasons, the adventures that wait around every corner, and especially the down-to-earth and hardworking friends and neighbors. Dave works as an electrical engineer in Vergennes and Ellie homeschools the four children. In the winter you’ll find us building a colossal ice tower in the yard just because it makes people smile, snowboarding on the weekends, or huddled around a game or puzzle in front of the fireplace; and in the summer we’re most likely to be spotted down at Arnold Bay enjoying the magic of Lake Champlain, or perhaps backpacking our way through the Adirondacks or Green Mountains.

We are a close-knit bunch. We work hard and we play hard. We relish an opportunity for adventure. We appreciate good music and good food and the great outdoors.

And we LOVE community.  We can’t wait to meet new people, make new connections, and find new friends through this great fruit escapade.

We are stoked to take the reins of Paradise Fruit and we are incredibly humbled and grateful to the Goodyears for trusting us with it.

Peach out,

The Clevenstines